About The Project
Project Ref: 2020-3-UK01-KA205-094063
The project will have a total duration of 20 months from 01-05-2021 until 31-12-2022
The Personalised Youth Work project is aimed at enabling youth workers to apply a personalised learning approach when working with young people seeking to enhance their employability, with a particular focus on needs assessment and developing adequate intervention strategies.
Aims & Objectives
Aims and objectives of the Personalised Youth Work project are:
Development of an innovative approach to be applied by youth workers, focusing on capacity building of youth workers, sharing effective methods in reaching out to young people , supporting the transition from youth to adulthood and the integration into the labour market.
Design, pilot and disseminate bespoke methodology and a toolbox which will enable youth organisations to effectively assess young people`s needs as well as to empower and increase their chance for sustainable employment.
Who Will Benefit?
Target Groups : The projects direct target groups are Youth workers with the end users being young adults aged 16-24.
Participants of the project: “Youth Workers” – various professionals engaged in delivering services to young people to facilitate their personal, social and educational development through informal education and care. Youth Workers specifically engaged in labour market integration measures.
The Personalised Youth Work project partnership comprises of 4 organisations from 4 countries:
UK, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Austria.
(UK) Point Europa
(Cyprus) Dekaplus
E / christos@dekaplus.eu
W / www.dekaplus.eu
(Bulgaria) Your Ideas Matter
(Austria) Best Institut fur Berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personal Training GMBH
E / office@best.at
W / www.best.at
Project Results
The PYW project will have the following tangible results:
Personalised Youth Work Methodology
The Methodology aims at providing structured and comprehensive guidelines on how personalised learning can be applied in youth work through the application of innovative practices and techniques with the overall aim of enhancing labour market integration measures targeted at the improvement of young people’s employability. This shall consider assessing young people’s needs, facilitating the design of the training content, suggesting schedules and performance options of the training process and many more.
The methodology addresses the project’s main direct target group, youth workers – directly or via organisations they work at/ for – and their clients, young adults aged 16-24+ being the end users of the project.
(click the image above to download the ENGLISH version of the PDF or click the relevant language link underneath)
Personalised Youth Work Toolbox
The toolbox aims at supporting Youth Workers delivering labour integration measures/services to achieve better results and impact on young people`s employability through applying various innovative techniques and strategies, based on the concept of personalised learning. The toolbox will contain a wealth of activities and techniques to be applied by youth workers.
The Personalised Youth Work Toolbox will be applicable to various settings and curricula, as it is focused on supporting the delivery, rather than the specific set of competences on a case-to-case basis. It will contain detailed description of each method, supply a number of activities per topic area with instructions on how to carry out these in daily practice, templates, links to additional materials. The Toolbox will contribute to supporting youth workers in developing and sharing effective methods, as well as equipping them with innovative tools and resources. Young people’s employability skill gaps will be efficiently and effectively addressed, in line with the current context and emerging needs. Young people will be empowered to be proactive with regard to their own personal and professional development. Youth work will increase its quality, as well as the credibility of its methods and potential impact.
Youth workers across Europe will be able to directly apply the toolbox in their daily work, as it is not tailored to a predefined curriculum and its aim is to enhance the overall effectiveness of youth workers delivering labour integration measures. In addition, the Toolbox can complement the work of career counsellors in schools, as well as VET and HE professionals providing career guidance.
(click the image above to download the ENGLISH version of the PDF or click the relevant language link underneath)
Partner Meetings
Due to Covid-19 and Country restrictions, some partner meetings have been held remotely via zoom, however, where possible they have, and will continue to be held in person.
Transnational Partner Meeting 1
via Zoom 20th May 2021
Although the 1st Meeting of the project was held via Zoom and not face to face (Due to Covid-19 and national restrictions), it was an extremely successful meeting whereby the partners discussed the project in its entirety, set deadlines for work schedules and became better acquainted in order to enhance working relationships.
Transnational Partner Meeting 2
Limassol, Cyprus 16th November 2021
The 2nd meeting of the project was held in Limassol, Cyprus and attended by 3 partner organisations. Unfortunately the partner from Bulgaria was unable to attend due to restrictions, however attended via Zoom.
During the meeting the partners discussed the management of the project, dissemination, evaluation, quality assurance as well as the outputs and outcomes of the project. Again it was an extremely successful meeting and reminded us all of the importance of holding meetings “Face to face” in order to make decisions more effectively.
Transnational Partner Meeting 3
Vienna, Austria, 28th April 2022
The 3rd meeting of the project was held in Vienna, Austria and attended by all 4 partners. The meeting was extremely successful with all partners contributing fully to the following topics:
Pilot Testing of the outputs, Dissemination, Newsletters, Quality Assurance and evaluation.
A great deal of focus was also spent on discussing the sustainability of the project along with the multiplier / awareness raising events.
Transnational Partner Meeting 4
Sofia, Bulgaria, 6th December 2022
The 4th (and final) meeting of the project was held in Sofia, Bulgaria and attended by all 4 partners.
During this meeting the partners discussed the project overall and the feedback from all involved. The final report was discussed along with dissemination and continuation of this important subject.
A great deal of focus was also spent on discussing the sustainability of the project along with the multiplier / awareness raising events.
Latest News
Here are our latest newsletters.
For more information on the Personalised Youth Work Project, please follow the contact details below or contact any of the partners in the “Partners Section” of this website.
You can also visit us on Facebook >
Drop Us A Line
This project (no. 2020-3-UK01-KA205-094063) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which might be made of the information contained herein.